Uncensored gay hentai gif

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I'd be able then to be concentrated only with the creation of new 3D images for you guys (and girls, of course). With Patreon, you can support your favorite creators by becoming patrons. Patreon is different from other fundraising services: Instead for raising money for one big project, you choose to give to a creator smaller amounts of money but every month. You choose the pledge of your choice that you will give per month. According to this amount, you'll be rewarded with great contents. The higher the pledge, the greater the rewards, of course.

The rewards are sent as dropbox links the 6th or 7th of each month through Patreon message. If you pledge after this date, you receive the same links immediately (or few days if I'm away, or too busy working). So if you're pledging the last day of the month, don't worry, you'll receive as many rewards as the other donors. I've been drawing muscled men when I was a teenager.

I posted my first drawings on the net in 2001. Since 2008, you had been able to follow me on my Wordpress blog for free. However, you can view the past content of my blog in my activity feed and still for free (but in SFW versions).įor those who discover my work, it's a good way to see my progression through the years. If you scroll down to the bottom of the activity feed, you'll find my very first drawings I posted on the net in 2001. #3d gay hentai gif uncensored for free#.

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